Company life

Company life

Sociocratic governance – hope for employees

If you have had enough of stress at work or even want to avoid burnout, consider sociocracy. This method of dynamic governance is bringing satisfaction for employees, while developing productivity in organizations, as the Canadian geneticist David Suzuki says in his book Good News for a Change. What is this method of governance based on? […]

Company life

Accounting Profession: A Changing Field

The accounting profession is not what it used to be – at the heart of a company’s strategy, being an accountant today means actively participating in the company’s development. Portrait of the “modern” accountant. Austere, isolated in his office to draw up columns of figures, dressed up in a brown suit – there are still […]

Company life

Music while working – are you in favour of this habit?

Music while working are you in favour of this practice? Do your colleagues’ conversations disturb you, are you having a hard time concentrating, or can you simply not go without music for even a few minutes, so you always work with earbuds in your ears? If so, you are far from being the only one, […]

Company life

What to do during lunch break?

Unexpected events, overworked, emergencies, meetings… there are all sorts of good reasons not to take a lunch break. However, it is strongly advised to take a 30 to 45 minute break to disconnect (from screens), relax, move and of course to eat. An overview of activities to do at noon.   Take the time to […]

Company life

Passion at work: a side effect instead of a prerequisite.

We are not born passionate about our work, we become passionate. This idea is countercurrent to our current time’s message “follow your passion” that is posted everywhere from Facebook pages to blogs. But, passion is not the inevitable starting point of professional achievement. Shake up the myth that passion at work makes us happy. This […]

Company life

Are you starting to leave the cubicle?

Having become the ultimate symbol of the beige and depressed worker, the cubicle has lost ground to working in the open air. Even though, it is far from being the workplace’s Holy Grail, the cubicle is lacking for numerous office employees. Nikil Saval—author of Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace—explains in an interview in […]

Company life

How to successfully return to work in the professional world

The return to work after having taken parental leave, sick leave, a yearlong sabbatical, or a long trip, can sometimes be as exciting as it is frightening. Here are two experts who share their advice on seamlessly reintegrating back into the professional world. Whether an intentional or unintentional interruption, when the time comes to step […]

Company life

From Colleagues to Friends

Why not make friends in the office  It improves team productivity and makes your surroundings more pleasant. If only there were good reasons to befriend our colleagues. Theory tells us to leave our emotions at the office door, but it’s more complex than that in practise.  Emotional ties inevitably create work problems.  So, how can […]

Company life

Office holiday party

Yes, the countdown has started and the end of year parties are overflowing our diaries.  Between the office holiday party and Aunt Annette’s there remain only a few time slots available to answer to the requests of our CFO who wants to finalize the budget for the end of the year! How do we stay calm […]

Company life

Management tricks to inspire your team to do more

As an entrepreneur, is motivating your work team still a big challenge? There is no miracle cure, but you are the best person to motivate them by example. Here are some inspiring management tricks. Offer flexible hours Every day give your employees breaks to recharge (while ensuring they respect their commitments), it will help them […]

Company life

The commute, a chance to rest

Contrary to common belief, time spent commuting to or from work is a positive experience for a majority of Canadians. According to a study published by the Toronto advertising agency Bensimon Byrne, 77% of commuters even report being in a better mood after their daily commute.   15.4 million Canadians travel to and from work […]

Company life

Working with your dog: pros and cons

A few days a week, Violaine Boucher arrives at work with Rocky, her two-year-old labradoodle. She is not alone in doing this: over 15 Moment Factory employees bring their dogs to work on a regular basis. An overview of this new trend within companies. Its many benefits According to a US scientific study published in […] network